September 12, 2007

The City of Charminar!

I have been here for 3 weeks, and I am already tired of the city.. Portrayed as a cheap city compared to Bangalore, its the biggest myth. May be at some time in the past it was, but now its running neck to neck, may be a step ahead only.

As soon as I came, the house hunting began. The broker network is the worst I have ever seen. Even when you are ready to pay them extra, still they don't show any interest. Either they are too lethargic or there is a serious shortage of houses, especially for bachelors. You wont find this difficulty in Bangalore or Mumbai. They treat us as human after all! If you are a bachelor (and it goes for both genders) , and are planning to move here, STAY AWAY!!!

1st Week
The highlight of the first weekend (or say the lowest point) was the terrorist attack (the twin bomb blasts). And I thought this was a safe city (well at least for a week). To think of it now, I was getting restless at my cousins place and we were planning to go out somewhere that Saturday. And as soon as we stepped out, all the mobiles started ringing, giving us the terrible news. Back to home!

2nd Week
The second weekend, things had calmed down a little, but not for me. I had heard so much about the mad sense of driving here, but never believed it. Until I experienced it!! 10 secs after the red light, one enthusiastic biker had a sudden urge to jump the signal. And he did. To hit me full on. I could see the pain coming my way when I was airborne. How in that 1 sec the whole life flashed past my eyes, i don't know! Fortunately I was not hurt (nor my bike), but as I dint have papers for the bike myself, the first reaction was to get away from the scene with my bike before the "mamu" comes. After parking my bike at a corner, I went in search of that ****** to teach him few things. I should not have felt sympathy for him, but when I saw him injured and his bike broken, the idea of revenge cooled off. To add to that, he started crying. Where was that daredevil who just rammed into my bike?? I was about to let him go, just then he said something stupid. He said "Bhaiya, main to hallu hi ja raha tha." That did it!! After jumping the signal at speed of 80, he says he was slow. Definitely gutsy!! Dragged him by his collar towards my bike. As expected, a crowd gathered and everyone started giving their opinions about the situation. Was in a hurry, and to disperse this crowd, i let him go. House hunting continued. Nothing happened (My luck!) Again and again new rumors about attacks kept on coming. Nothing happened (Gods grace!)

3rd Week
The third weekend, finally I got a house. Don't ask after how much pain, but finally i had a place to stay. Went to the landlady's place and rain started to pour outside. When I complained that it was raining ever since I stepped my foot here, she told me "Please don't ever leave this city!!".

I started considering also "Is it really me??" while my way back to my cousin's place. But as soon as I reached there (drenched BTW), the news channel were flashing the collapse of the flyover. Just when I started thinking that this place is safe, comes another blow. The flyover which was supposed to bear the load of heavy traffic, survive under earthquake, collapsed under 5 inches of rain?? hard to believe. If it would have collapsed on a working day, the traffic in that area is a good indicator of how many lives we would have lost.

And now I have a severe cold!! :(

The start has been bad, worst I could imagine.But it will only get better!! I hope. ( Still wondering "Is it really me??")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oye...pehla blog kyun nikaal diya?? i had read ure blogs yesterday itself, lekin i was not able to leave comments...had to log out and then was stuck in some other work..well, dint kno bout the accident..and i must admit..i was laughing out loud...sho shad..hmm..looks lik all this in some strange way has something to do wit u afterall;) looking forward to more!!